
Sunday, March 12, 2006

marina square :)

yay. people like my blogskin. hees. :))

ok so today we (my mother , my sister , me) went to marina square to shop and all that.BEWARE.IF YOU DONT LIKE BORING STORIES ABOUT PEOPLE GOING SHOPPING,NAVIGATE AWAY NOW. the minitoons there is big. and we bought the big toy dog for my cousin who is having two operations tomorrow. that doggy was cute la. was hugging it all the way. the plastic bag got crumpled. shall persuade my mother to buy for me next time.x)))
then we when to wallet shop and bought pencil cases.myuk. black colour.yaye.hahaha.its cute.
then we shopped around other places and walked to millenia walk to eat bento.

INTERESTING PART. OK NOT REALLY. then got this family of people walking happily in the corridor.my mom and me were looking at them..then before we knew it, the little kid is bawling his eyes out as if the sky were falling. i went to get extra chopsticks and saw that his hand was stuck in the gap of the glass door. singaporeans are helpful. :) everyone saw the kid crying and started trying to help and stuff. the guy at our cafe (the only worker there apparently ) also went to help.. then the adults were like dumbfounded. APPARENTLY when people see a kid bawling like he is on the verge of death, they start to get all panicky and stuff and try to get the kid to shuddup before they pry his hand out..which is dumb.because once u get his hand out, EVENTUALLY he will stop crying right? then his mother was like "do you all have some water or something to slide his hand out ? " the guy from our bento stall went to check and he did not have so he went to guardian to buy soap. then i remembered that my mom has those achohol things you use to wash your hands (she's been using it since SARS) kinda slippery so i asked her to take it out and gave it to them. so the boy was saved before the bento stall guy came back.

poor guy.thinking it was his moment to shine and all that.then coming back to see the situation resolved. and no one thanked him. he even thanked us! then i felt really bad cos its like go and snatch his moment of glory and felt bad all through lunch.my mom did not help.she kept trying to figure out how the boy's hand got stuck and all that in a voice that could be heard by bento guy cos we were the only customers there. so when we went off, i tried to be as nice as possible and said 'bye and thanks' nicely, whereas normally i would just be like 'bye.'

thus the moral of this story is dont steal people's moment of glory.

then we went suntec to eat YAMI YOGHURT. and then we went home. mom slept and me and nat went for a run.
thus ends my very longwinded post.and longwinded uninteresting day.


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