
Thursday, August 31, 2006

teachers' day celebration

haha today was a day of mixed emotions?
the party was really fun :D we ate alot of sausages and junk food plus we played this fun game which involves bursting balloons.
and the burst balloon was tied to my leg the whole day.
the celebration was kinda fun? i liked the sec 3's dance item. the 204's rap thing was kinda cute even though i dint really know what was going on?

picture from graduation!
haha i looked tootish. :D aww im going to miss those times =/ aimee's going away soon. I WILL MISS YOO
we went to orchard today. we watched the devil wears prada! its about clothes bags shoes accessories ahaha retail therapy? <3 it really puts you in the mood for shopping?
after wandering around aimlessly we decided we should buy something to commemorate today so we bought the friends always keychain from hallmark? and we cam-whored in front of the fountain at taka.
gosh. we didnt really do alot? but it was the time we spent together that made it so heart-warming :D

friends forever yeah?

ciao.<3 ya aimee .

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


heh going back to nyps tomorrow! haha brings back many good ol' memories?

woots. cant wait to see aimee. x)
oh yeah and i just remembered mr yellow! he was my enrichment class teacher from p1-2 and it was there that me celineey and this other girl called sarah? met. haha and me and lineey were friends for 6 six years! ha cos we sat the same bus and were in the same cca. woots. hart.

ahh we had lotsa fun.

aimee ur going off soon!T.T rah will miss you.. remember to visit!

Monday, August 28, 2006

CT results

bah disappointment. my ct results fell short of expectations? totally. my average is only 62.85? unelligible to take triple science? oh gosh.

i have to pull up my socks. yep. and chiong pbl. which i have no idea how to do.

trigonometery? like wtf o.0 ? they took down the flags before we could measure 'em.

oh well. i shall eat chocolate. x)


Thursday, August 24, 2006


haha i dunno? feeling emo.

weirdish. and after CT its like. oh i suddenly have nothing to do.
kinda busy though. its like ord? and stuff. have to chiong everything.
and we're getting back chinese and maths tmr. ohmuhgawd. o.0
the two subjects im scared of. gosh.

updated the story thing. x)

cos its just too little too late.


Monday, August 21, 2006


changed my blogskin. courtesy of CHARLENECHANRUIYIN.
there see your names there. ha thanks for the blogskin. <3
bah. chinese common test. i put words instead of numbers for the cloze passage. T.T gosh. they put big boxes on the answer sheet what, naturally i assumed it was write words. 10 marks.
huang laoshi said he would still give us marks though?
science common test tmr. chem. rah. suck. physics. rah. worse.
one hour! so not enough time.

bla was feeling spammish.

studystudy. hai. and eoy is in 5 weeks. how bright the horizon seems.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

ATC 2006

hello everyone! IM BAAACCCCKK.. *everyone runs off screaming*
the following are reasons why a *certain pink-loving waste- like lifeform* cant survive atc.
- there are insects everywhere? in the tents especially. we saw a GIGANTIC grasshopper.
- we only got to shower like once in 3 days
- theres pt every morning
- we eat food thats cooked by ourselves? think plain maggi mee and canned satay chicken cubes.for breakfast lunch and dinner. woots. happy new year?
- mosquitoes.

yeps. maybe its a bit mean to underestimate *her/him/it* but uh. oh wells.

my group was sian the first few days. by the time we finally got comfortable with each other and started talking with each other it was already the last day. aww.
- rock climbing
- maze
- swinging thingy and the 'birth canal'
FUN (:

reasons why *pink-loving waste-like lifeform*/cheryl might want to go

halfway through the camp i thought it was the worst camp i had ever attended. ha but in the end i still loved it. :DD
reasons why *dearie ol' me* loved camp :
- koh wei the retard.
- gerrad the quiet guy.
- sharman the cutie.
- yue ting the grasshopper crazy.
- ying ting the boy-crazy.
-ian wong the *cool* guy.
-z********n sir the nameless.
-kah yan the want-to-go-home-and-im-not-coming-back.
- chiou yih the UBER nice.
nhnp. <3

ha ciao~

ha im tired.
chinese ct tomorrow. oh wells. its flunked.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

off to camp

heh this ct has been kinda screwed. i got the first question wrong for the paper and the easiest question no doubt. i put UMNO when it was supposed to be Alliance. T.T
and i keep on not having enough time to finish? im barely getting through? any slower and i would have left something out.i think i already left stuff out for the last question. i dont think i can get more than 5 marks for it.

anyway. im off to camp! going away for 3days2nights. going to ubin for training camp. right in the middle of common tests. oh yay im going to fail! how fun. while im gone i shall wish everyone good luck and JIAYOU [[: happy mugging! miss me! oh yeah and dun sms me unless you want me to read it on sunday :)

anyways off to chiong lit. ciao.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

common tests

rawr. common test season. and soon it will be streaming time.

today was geog and english ct. yuck man. i dint have enough time to finish. ah if only there was one or two more minutes! i ended up writing "more waste more money" -.- a tan is not going to let me hear the end of it.

and the school is evil! they dint give us a break before the english ct! we need to recover from the trauma and let our hands rest you know. and it was compo. -.-
alot of people in my class either wrote 2 , 3 or 4. alot of people in my class wrote 3 or 4 when i first asked around there was like no one writing 2. then later jianlong , emelia, ziting and waner also wrote 2 i think. ha.

my thumb is numb from all the writing. T.T i cant feel it.
blahs. better study hist. and gosh. no time to study maths and science.
bah. screwed.


Sunday, August 13, 2006


i said i would post pics right. nah *thrusts retarded picture into your hands*

ok FINE i know its UBER retarded BUT its NDP you know. its like the last chance and everything.

Friday, August 11, 2006

visit to jamiyah nursing home.

haha we went to jamiyah nursing home at west coast drive. at first we were there and it was really quiet la. me and lynette were getting abit freaked out. its like at any moment someone can go BOO from behind the curtains. but after the initial discomfort, we all started getting down to work and were wheeling people around, helping out and chatting up with the old folk. i was kind of lost cos i cant really speak hokkien or cantonese or malay? jianlong can speak malay but he dint do anything!

then finally while i was loitering around, the nurse called me over and asked me to talk to this indian guy. and i found out that he was 91 years old this year and he came from southern india, he is a hindu and he is a vegetarian. we chatted for quite long? everyone else went away to do their own things, then i was still sitting there listening to him talk. i found it hard to go away as well, he seemed to have alot to say? he fought in the war and was stationed in sentosa, he came to singapore in 1933.

ahh he seemed so grateful that i had sat there and listened to him. quite touching. :D

then we left the home. and ooh guess what. we saw a *certain* someone rollerblading near the home. what a sweet gesture. awww. xD

oh yeah common test is next week. o.0 gosh.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


hahaha woots. finally have wireless of my own. WAHAHA. ok so basically yesterday was a sort of bittersweet day for all of us. Its like. the last chance we will ever get to go to the national stadium and perform that routine. the last chance we will ever get to sit on a CHARTERED SBS bus. which was so cool because we had the whole bus to ourselves and could like sing and everything. the parade had everyone being HIGHHIGHHIGH. especially charlene who was almost hyperventilating from hysterical and retarded laughter.

It wasnt lets say the best performance we had ever put up? there were a few mistakes here and there. but i enjoyed ndp as a whole experience. all the zilianing and running around the indoor stadium. playing limbo using our flags. eating soggy and cold kfc. which i wont be eating for a while anymore. now that its over, wtf am i going to do during the weekends?

maybe will post pictures when i start up my msn and ask jamie to send me the photos. :D

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


ahaha i finally updated the story blog thingy. i shall put in links and since im home so early? i shall change my blogskin too.

NDP is tomorrow!
im thankful for. all the times we zilian - ed during ndp.
im thankful for. all the times we shared. the hot sun and everything. its good bonding.
im thankful for. all the kind people who asked me how i was when i wasnt feeling well.
im thankful for. this chance we get.

yep. im thankful.
random-ing on msn.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


lol yesterday's ndp was shitty. it was like super hot and the superband finals were being held in the indoor stadium so we couldnt go there? so we suffered in the super hot hot sun. but seriously i think maybe they shouldnt have let us go into the air-conditioned comfort of the SIS. cos then we under the hot sun we will be like wtf. i cant take it. yeah.

then came back. ate chilli crab for dinner. xD and watched the superband finals. iced milo! xD cuteness has appeal. then uh started sneezing uncontrollably and crap. ate medicine and went to sleep.

and well. i just woke up? feeling half hot half cold. weirdest feeling ever.

oh well.

Friday, August 04, 2006


ahaha. today the four badass chicks from the moulin rouge ( ok sorry i was just listening to the song ) me jamie geyi and howard plus the invisible man weijie went to marina square supposedly to para.however, every 1m we walked we saw a shop we liked and were like lets go inside and see! we went inside topshop,mango and all those. however, we knew we could never afford the clothes we wanted from there. xD
and then we went to yoshinoya to eat and talked about alot of crap. we also wanted to go to a bra shop and stay in there until weijie couldnt take it and went in to look for us. =X
we went inside the arcade, after aimlessly searching for it for like half an hour. and then it was super fun la. there was this drum game which geyi spent like 3/4 of the time staring at it and wanting to play but too afraid to try. then finally i tried then she tried. -.- and lets see there was this sword game which was basically waving a stick infront of a screen. time crisis 3! and i was just playing all the retarded games.
all in all a fun day.
majorly long post again without any spacing.

aww darn tmr must go ndp and wake up at 8/9 for tuition.