
Sunday, January 07, 2007

cca extravaganza

actually, i think most of the sec ones already decided what they wanted to join before the event?

so basically its just a formality.

the booth part was seriously boring. cos we werent really allowed to cheer anyway. at least we had more than a fire extinguishing thing. which was better than last year?

but all in all quite enjoyable. if not tiring?

but blah anyway i dont think i'll be able to blog very often? cos this year's going to be hectic. homework and all. i'll try to blog as much as i can (: but anyway, we didnt have any homework this weekend. i suspect they're fattening us up this weekend so that they can roast us next week. oh well. wish me luck!


blahs hello again.
i decided to go volunteer myself for npdp [: its like this parade-y thing where all the units in singapore send out a few members and they all go marching during some ceremony. its quite cool :D and if you're lucky, you'll get picked to wear the number one uniform! which is so uber cool. its WHITE!
even though the selection is random , i still had to consider whether it was okay for me because i heard training is kind of hectic.

finally rested up. took a looong nap yesterday. ahhh~ feel all ready to get back and tackle all the challenges of next week. whee parade's going to be on friday so we wont be pooped like last time when parade was on monday D:

andand oh yeah.new class. kind of okay-ish. havent really talked to anyone outside the 'ex209-ers' clique yet? except sok teng and wei che and brenda i suppose. heh. friendly people. (: hmm you know our class hasnt really started on anything class-related other than cip project. like noticeboard or class tee.
bah. i dont like the new school rules =X oops. well really? and i think its so unfair that they only like give attire checks to the girls. the guys only have to remember to tuck-in their shirts! and even if they dont wear socks, no one cares. evil.


urgh. scary. its like all our subjects are o level subjects so we cant slack at all. ahh chem ): scary.

you make me wanna lala~


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