
Friday, October 21, 2005


haha due to cheryl saying that my blog is ancient..i decided to go and update my blog =)

so basically nothing much happened in school recently.we have after exam activities and instead of being allowed to go to the treetop hike, the uniformed group cca and sports cca and dance society have to go on some arts appreciation excursion.ok la but i would rather go on the hike.

results also ok but not as good as the first term.oh well, i dint expect it to last for long.

i ranked 13 in class for overall in math..haha disappointing for my mom but given the high math standard of my class..i am ok with it =)

haiz.tomorrow is holiday again.haha.im kinda tired [ like i always am at the end of the week] .
shall look forward to a day of rest.


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