
Sunday, March 19, 2006

the perfect lover

My Perfect Lover

Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again

cheryl and ziting tagged me (:

Hmms.eight only ah. not enough =X i have high expectations. xD

1. thoughtful/observant - like he doesnt need me to spell everything out for him? doesnt have to buy me diamonds or wadeva, u know, simple things that are thoughtful can le.

2. loving ?? - must love me for who i am. (: not an easy thing to do.hahaha.

3. unselfish - must think of others, not necessarily me, must be kind and compassionate la. cannot always think of himself.

4.must know when to comfort me and when to leave me alone? when to make me laugh and when to let me cry..

5.individuality - must stand up for what he believes in. cannot like, hide behind his group of friends and all that.doesnt pretend to be something that he isnt.

6.umms. fun to talk to? like can talk with for hours and hours and wouldnt tire? can tell him anything de.

7.sweet but not overly mushy. ((:

8.unegoistical and not chauvinistic. must respect equal rights for me. im not a housewife. lets me win. ahaha.

see? where got such people de. haix~ im a hopeless case le. oh wells.

i tagged :

cheryl (she asked me to tag her back.HAHA.)


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