
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Your 10 favourites:
Favourite colour: black
Favourite food: hmms? i dunno i eat lots of stuff.
Favourite song: zhi xiang ai ni - rainie
Favourite movie: LOTR:ROTK;hellboy;mean girls;etc.etc.
Favourite sport: swimming;basketball;soccer!;ball games.
Favourite season: summer?
Favourite day of the week: no preference? days where i can sleep alot.
Favourite ice-cream flavour: ben and jerry's! chunky monkey/cherry garcia/cookie dough and chocolate chip
9 current:
Current mood: er. normal?
Current clothes: sleeveless white shirt and black shorts.
desktop: blank/black
Current toenail colour: normal?
Current time: 8.25pm
Current annoyance: nothing much?
Current thoughts: im tired! i wanna sleep! why is there a full dress rehearsal tomorrow!
8 first:
First best friend: nicole from my p2 class
First crush: lol some guy in my p1 class. i shant name.
First movie: lol i dunno. aladin?
First piercing: p6. ear.
First lie: first? i dunno.
First music: abc?
First car: i'll get back to you on that. in like. 4 years.
7 last:
Last cigarette: ew. what for. i dun even smoke.
Last drink: errrr. mixed berry yoghurt?
Last car ride: this morning to school
Last crush: someone? (:
Last movie seen: xmen3 i think.
Last phone call: my mom. asking me when i coming home.
Last CD played: wuniang.
Have you ever:
Have you ever date one of your bestfriends: date? nah. LOL
Have you ever broken the laws: hmm. dun think so?
Have you ever been arrested: no
Have you ever been skinny dipped: no -.-
Have you ever been on tv: have i? cambodia king's visit! cna. me and charlene's tablet. xD
Have you ever kiss someone you don't know: no
5 things you are wearing:
o1. sleeveless shirt.
03. earrings
o5. i dunno. at home wear so many things for what.
4 things you have done today:
o1. tried to paint a pathetic sunflower
o2. drank strawberry ice blended
o3. listen to mp3
o4. did a quiz on my blog.
3 things you can hear right now:
o2.sound of my sis turning off the light
o3. my sis and my mother talking
2 things you can't live without:
o1. friends!
o2. family?
Things you do when you are bored: make up random things.draw.listen to music. msn.
And now, for the 5 people you tag:
o1. cheryl!
o2. jamie!
o3. charlene!
o4. aimee!
o5. qian!

只想爱你当我和你走在一起 我已经决定 不看不听不问 也不会放弃 是你让我 发现自己可以为爱那么坚定
只想爱你好想每天张开眼睛就能看到你我知道我偶尔有一点任性 不管你做任何决定 究竟爱我还是逃避 sorry我还是不会放弃 爱你。



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