
Sunday, July 30, 2006

pooped out.

gawsh. this has been a non-stop week for me. yesterday was the ndp preview. which, even though it ended early was quite tiring. cos we got all high and started chasing each other and throwing the dumb wrapper at each other. x) i was the ultimate winner! and then there was marshalling this morning at west coast park.everyone was half dead we had to fall-in at 6.30 and that meant i had to wake up at 5.T_T hahaha full u for some road race thing. dumb grass killed my boots. was quite fun, cos we dint really do much except shout 'jiayou' to some poor stragglers. ended earlier than expected and we all hung out at the macs. oh yeah and yeeteng kissed me today. <3 her. cos ken and jiacheng were like asking her if she has a boyfriend and she said she was a les! its ok me too me too!

ohohoh and we rode on the back of a truck! so cool it was fun. the other girls kept screaming -.- scared the driver. and we had to walk back instead.lol its the 3rd time im editing this post cos i keep remembering things halfway.oh yea and when the nco asked why geyi wasnt there i was like 'she's not feeling well. somehow.' then he asked me why do you say somehow? i said i dunno. cos she pon. x) OOPS. haha sorry la but the somehow is unintentional de. i just added it to the sentence cos it sounded nice. x)

when to eat sushi TEI at holland V after that. YUMMY. caitlyn goes there too. we should all go there some day. its kinda ex though.
came home and slept like a pig for 3-4 hours.
i sorta disagree with this month's reader's digest about singaporeans being rude. or not as polite as western - countries. well asian countries have their own culture and own standards of manners and if you do a survey on manners based on a western standard of course it will be unfair. however, i do agree that singaporeans don't really have good customer service.
thus ends my random rant for today.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


there are only 2 ndp practices left! im so going to miss it!
im looking forward to the after-party though. supposedly there's this party for the participants or issit just for nh people. i dunno. but a PARTY. xD
and ahh why is there so much homework?
and i want back chem,geog,hist tests. i cant stand not knowing what my marks are.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

early day!

haha was feeling tired today after maths pbl and stuff so i decided to go home super duper early. straight after school! i havent done that in like. ages.however, halfway i went to eat burger king by myself at thomson plaza.
i watched the making of poc : dmc on the bus. wow. keira knightley has a HOT BOD. xD
and uh im swamped. the teachers are cramming everything. AND i have marshal on sunday and have to wake up at 6. after the bloody ndp preview show! T.T

SWAMPED. wells. gotta go.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

jarrel. aha see i posted.

all hail the entertaining one!

while i was dying of boredom i talked to jarrel the entertaining one.

capt jack sparrow rocks! hahaha he runs like a sissy and says "oh buggah" you dont get much better than that

jarrel talks about porn. alot. and he uses good vocab.
entertainment! woohoo!!

i officially name this blog post after him.
k im actually being very random.

jarrel. aha see i posted.

all hail the entertaining one!

while i was dying of boredom i talked to jarrel the entertaining one.

capt jack sparrow rocks! hahaha he runs like a sissy and says "oh buggah" you dont get much better than that

jarrel talks about porn. alot. and he uses good vocab.
entertainment! woohoo!!

i officially name this blog post after him.
k im actually being very random.

quizzy quizzy.

i was tagged by jamie

Your 10 Favourites
Colours: ORANGE!black!purple!lime green!
Foods: japanese! western!dimsum! x)
Songs: currently? ultimate by lindsay lohan, good day and resign by click five
Movies: potc:dmc, hellboy, xmen3..
Sports: soccer!bball!swimming! skating!
Seasons: spring? i like rain. summer? i like to tan. winter? i like snow.
Day of the week: uhh dunno. no preference really.
Book: not really sure? alot.
Ice-cream flavour: chunky monkey!

Your 9 Currents.
Mood: not caring. :D
Clothes: lime green shirt and white skirt
Desktop screensave: none?
Toe-nail colour: none. im boring x)
Time: 5.19pm
Annoyance: bahhs. i shall not say.
Thought: *blink blink*
Boy/girlfriend: girlfriend! xD
Book you are reading: none?

Your 8 Firsts:
Bestfriend: nicole (p2)
Crush: some guy in p1 class
Movie: i think it was aladin xD
Piercing: p6
Lie: dunno?
Music: abc
Car: no car yet la.
Handphone: my mother's old one? samsung dunno what.

Your 7 Lasts:
Cigarette: ew NEVERR.
Drink: errr. yakult.
Car-ride: last night at like 10
Last crush: 3 months ago?
Movie seen: POTC:dmc
Phone call: morning
CD played: lol i dunno.

Have You Ever:
Dated one of your best friends: nope.
Have you ever broken the law: gum, littering. =X
Have you ever been arrested: nope
Have you ever skinny-dipped: nah.
Have you ever been on TV: king of cambodia visit! me and char's tablet. ndp! hmm maybe
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: nah

Your 5 Things Worn On You:
1. green shirt
2. white skirt
3. blue ear studs
4. didnt i just say this just now?
5. underwear.

Your 4 Things Done Today:
1. msn
2. look for new blogskins. AGAIN
3. listen to music
4. this quiz

Your 3 Things You Cant Live Without:
1. handphone/mp3/msn
2. friends
3. family!

dint i do this quiz before?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

new blogskin. (yes i know. AGAIN.)

hello everyone!
yesyes. i know i have been neglecting my blog. but i changed my blogskin AND im posting.
that should be at least worth um. 1 week of updating? xD
lets see.
we had ndp today. oh i <333 ndp so much. too bad its ending soon. i shall feel an empty gap where it used to be.. :/ ahh cheryl. what shall we do?
we got our shoes. mines the smallest size. 37. like what the hell. ashleigh and cherng yew they wear like 44!? freaks. if i wear i can stuff my fist into the shoe as well la.

and uh. oh yeah. ziting got injured during ndp! ouch. hope she's well [: take care girl!

and we had history and geog tests today. bloody brunei and phillipines. both answer should be accepted la! its unfair. the question wasnt phrased correctly! bahhs. whatever. i shall fail this one.


Sunday, July 09, 2006


woots! its the final countdown! ~

but darnit there's school tomorrow. and darn it i have to wake up at 6 !!
me and cheryl are researching for ts quite faithfully. :D


and ohmuhgawd. theres science pbl tmr.
i shall send an application to the school to let me sleep tomorrow. (:

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


long time no blog! hahaha hi everyone!

we just started on this new programme. called problem based learning. it feels weird. like we arent really learning anything.. black dogs, long tailed dogs, no tail, short tail, whatever. FEELS SCARY. wonder how we'll do in common test.. the other tablet classes are special stream, sure can de la. what about us!?!? AHHHHH. *starts screaming in jamie's ear*

oh yes. and im TIRED. im turning into a pig! :D