
Sunday, July 23, 2006

quizzy quizzy.

i was tagged by jamie

Your 10 Favourites
Colours: ORANGE!black!purple!lime green!
Foods: japanese! western!dimsum! x)
Songs: currently? ultimate by lindsay lohan, good day and resign by click five
Movies: potc:dmc, hellboy, xmen3..
Sports: soccer!bball!swimming! skating!
Seasons: spring? i like rain. summer? i like to tan. winter? i like snow.
Day of the week: uhh dunno. no preference really.
Book: not really sure? alot.
Ice-cream flavour: chunky monkey!

Your 9 Currents.
Mood: not caring. :D
Clothes: lime green shirt and white skirt
Desktop screensave: none?
Toe-nail colour: none. im boring x)
Time: 5.19pm
Annoyance: bahhs. i shall not say.
Thought: *blink blink*
Boy/girlfriend: girlfriend! xD
Book you are reading: none?

Your 8 Firsts:
Bestfriend: nicole (p2)
Crush: some guy in p1 class
Movie: i think it was aladin xD
Piercing: p6
Lie: dunno?
Music: abc
Car: no car yet la.
Handphone: my mother's old one? samsung dunno what.

Your 7 Lasts:
Cigarette: ew NEVERR.
Drink: errr. yakult.
Car-ride: last night at like 10
Last crush: 3 months ago?
Movie seen: POTC:dmc
Phone call: morning
CD played: lol i dunno.

Have You Ever:
Dated one of your best friends: nope.
Have you ever broken the law: gum, littering. =X
Have you ever been arrested: nope
Have you ever skinny-dipped: nah.
Have you ever been on TV: king of cambodia visit! me and char's tablet. ndp! hmm maybe
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: nah

Your 5 Things Worn On You:
1. green shirt
2. white skirt
3. blue ear studs
4. didnt i just say this just now?
5. underwear.

Your 4 Things Done Today:
1. msn
2. look for new blogskins. AGAIN
3. listen to music
4. this quiz

Your 3 Things You Cant Live Without:
1. handphone/mp3/msn
2. friends
3. family!

dint i do this quiz before?


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