
Monday, September 11, 2006

quizz. :P

rah. msn's down. or maybe they closed in as a mark of respect for 9/11 eh. haha. whatever. bahs. eoy sucks.

tagged by jamie.

1.full name: amanda ANG QIQI <3
2. name backwards: iqiq gna adnama
3. were you named after someone: named after a song actually.
4. meaning of name: originated in the 17th century ; means lovable / beloved.
5. nickname: mandaaaa,panda,mouse -.-, the list goes on..
6. screen name: random song lyrics.
7. D.O.B: 29 may 1992
8. place of birth: thomson medical centre
9. nationality: singaporean
10. current location: home?
11. star sign: gemini
12. religion: catholic
13. height: shorter than you.:D
14. weight: 30 < x < 40
15. shoe size: er 5 or 6
16. hair colour: black
17. eye colour: dark brown
18. who do (people say) you look like: my auntie : "look like li jiawei!" -.-
19. innie or outtie: both!
20. leftie or rightie: right.
21. gay, straight, bi or others: bi :P
22. best friends:aimee, shin, dunno?
23. best friend you trust most: myself :P
24. favourite pals:whats the diff -.-
25. best friend of opposite sex:boys drool! bleh.
26. best buddies: the whole lot of you all la. ^^
27. boyfriend or girlfriend: er n/a
28. crush:crushes are stupid =X
29. parents: huh?
30. worst enemy:make LOVE not WAR!
31. favourite online guy: theTHING i suppose.
32. favourite online girl: cheryl <3
33. craziest friend: jamie. psycho. x)
34. advice friend: eh. dunno.
35. loudest friend: tyt. haha charlene chan close second.
36. person you cry with: no one?
37. any sisters: natalie.
38. any brothers: nah.
39. any pets: stuffed toys! ^^
40. any disease: allergic to AVOCADOS.
41. pagers:er. right.
42. personal phone line: 11111111 :O
43. cell phone: nokia 6030
45. pool or hot tub: pool. me dont like hot.
46. a car: bmw 6 series! UNCLE JASON. I WANT.
47. your personality: er. deranged. dont bother.
48. driving: rah no coordination.
49. room:my room!
50. whats missing: time for SLEEP.
51. school: nanhua high
52. bed colour: turqoise with daisies ^^
53. relationship with parents: normal?
54. believe in yourself: im here aint i -.-
55. believe in love at first sight: pfft. nah.
56. good listener: i suppose :)
57. get along well with parents: repeated?
58. save email conversations: nah. waste space.
59. pray: yep.
60. believe in reincarnation: HOWARD AND HIS IMMORTALITY.WAHAHA.
61. make fun of people: OF COURSE!^^
62. like to talk on the phone: sure.
63. want to get married: what for.childbirth hurts.
64. like to drive: sure. if the world was made of marshmallows.
65. motion sickness: nope.
66. eat stem of broccoli: just eat lah.
67. eat chicken with fork: impractical.im un-high class.
68. dream in colour: yea. like watching tv.
69. type with your fingers on home role: o.0?
70. sleep with stuff animals: PINK monkey.
71. next to you: no one.
72. on the walls of your room: posters!
73. on your mousepad: using tablet
74. dream car: BMW. sports. rah.
75. dream date: myself :D go on 365 day world tour! WOOT.
76. dream honeymoon spot: not getting married.-.- what for.
77. dream husband or wife: NOT. GETTING. MARRIED.
78. bedtime: depends.
79. under your bed: air.
80. single most important question: ARE YOU HOMOSEXUAL?
81. bad time of a day: when i just wake up.
82. your worst fear: fire,hotstuff.
83. the weather is: overcast?
84. time: 2017
85. date: 11sept2006.
86. best trick did on someone: dunno?
87. theme song: hmm.hihipuffyamiyumi!
88. hardest thing about growing up: having to know what to do
89. funniest experience: BLUFFING DAMIEN THAT I WAS LEVEL 30 IN MAPLE!:D
90. scariest experience: o.0 dunno
91. silliest thing you have ever said: countless
92. scariest thing while you are with your friends: huh.
93. worst feeling: numbness.
94. best feeling in the world: getting all As i suppose.ITALY WINNING WORLD CUP. :D


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