
Friday, October 13, 2006


more chalet rantings & black friday

ah it suddenly dawned on me that the year is soon ending and soon we wont have the chance to hang out so often anymore.as such, i also suddenly remembered alot of stuff about the chalet and i decided to express my thanks.

<3 cheryl : haha hey. you always take my mind off troubles and such with all your crazy antics. and somehow my behaviour is super amusing to you. everytime i yawn or sneeze, you laugh. and try to stuff things up my nose!

<3 jamie : what else can i say? she's a total retard! haha but i love you all the same! locking you in the fire hosereel is funfunfun. x] and flicking lightsticks at your nose. and laughing at you. making fun of cheryl with you is uber fun too. :D

<3 caitlyn : aww you're so nice! i spent half of yesterday with you. you ROCK. ben&jerry's! abit sad i wasnt close to you before but oh well live for the present! we always talk in the mornings when everyone's still groggy. i like your weird dreams about the gypsy woman in shadow of the beast. x]

<3 rachel : thanks for comforting me! you're so sweet [: you're like the big sister i never had. haha love you loads! :D i wish i could have gotten to know you better beforehand too.

<3 emelia : hey girl! you're really cute. always make me laugh. and poor girl, are you ok? get well soon and TAKE CARE [:

<3 ziting : heheh all the roomies! me you and jiayu [: sleepy people. always so calm and collected. and help me snatch back my pillow from timothaye. so kind! :D love you.

<3 jiayu : wahahaha. you are cute when you just wake up! will always treasure the time we 'bonded' together! my classmate for 4 years! x] love you!

<3 lynette : haha my foodie partner! BREAKFAST KING. CHEESITO POCKET. and i still owe you nachos. :D so fun.

<3 waner : so cute! haha pokeyou. pokepokepokepoke. love ya. :D

i feel so blessed to have so many friends that i can depend on. x) i wish i could have gotten to know you all beforehand. this makes me really want to treasure what little time i have left. i will miss you all loads! and i really hope i can see you all next year. :D

kayaking with caitlyn cheryl & geyi tomorrow. cant wait. ^^


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