
Monday, October 16, 2006


results and kayaking

well. i shall start off with the happy things :D
GUIDES and NP went to kallang sea sports club for kayaking star one course. what can i say? i guess im kind of slow at learning new things. i need PRACTICE. i learn new things faster when its studies or something. so the first day was quite uneventful and we just learnt the basics and everything.
i got a bit claustrophobic because the kayak was kind of cramped, and you have to sit there for hours and cant move your legs.we learnt capsize drill, which was fun :D but me and caitlyn always forget to tap and stuff. and they taught us how to go straight, which is also quite hard because the kayak spins around on its own according to the water currents and stuff.
the second day was more fun. we ventured out and learnt group rescuing. which is quite fun! i took ages to climb back into my kayak and the instructor got stung by a jellyfish. me and xinyi rescued cheryl and she was complaining that she was dying. we WERE kind of slow. xP
laughed for ages at caitlyn's name on her certificate because it was all split up lee wan hui cait lyn. so i started calling her hui cait. and she started calling me qi aman. which led to qi2 a man. which means ride a man in chinese. and this went on to more perverse jokes.
the second day was loads of fun. i got sunburnt quite severely and everyone was like 'you're RED!' and i think the more they said it the more red i became. T.T im also sore all over. x( i wanna go kayaking and rollerblading again! :D

today we got back all of our results. i got A1 for geog and history. im still taking history anyway. even though i believe in all that environmentally friendly crap, i have more interest in history because learning about landforms and plate tectonics just bores me. however, alot of people in my class are choosing triple sci + geog. i dowanna like, go to class with people i barely know? especially since we're only splitting with the tablet classes. T.T i dont know. but caitlyn and jocelyn are taking history. so i guess at least i'll know SOMEONE. im scared of streaming.

i hate it when you get back unsatisfactory eoy results and you always be like 'oh i'll work harder next year' but in the end you wont. its like. bleah. why cant i just STICK to my resolutions.



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