
Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy birthday cheryl (:

first off, i would like to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE CHERYL LEONG SHUFEN [:

see. told ya it was big.
hey girl! you're finally FOURTEEN. how does it feel. man. you're getting old. and wrinkly. ahhh! oh no. ):

okay the tagboard was kind of flooded. so i shall reply them here for the convenience of everyone. (;

cy : aiyo relax about your class. right now you think that you dunno alot of them and stuff. but eventually you'll warm up to your class. come on, everyone does.

timo ; why do you always spell your name wrongly -.- TIMONTHY LOL. kuku was just a figure of speech -.-

tyt ; thanks (: yeah hope so. cant do anything about it anyway.

yuqian; okays (:

tomsontee ; well, its not exactly my fault you forgot to remind me. :P next time, create a list and yep. send it to me or something.

2007 is upon us, people! REJOICE! its a new beginning! (:
see you all at school. ^^

Friday, December 29, 2006


promo test was kind of screwed.
they dint give me a chance to give kekenan/kekiri pusing on the march :/
and i almost started teaching the wrong drill.although i distinctively remember myself saying kekiri.
i am so screwed. ):
someone save me! i need a hug. :/

on a lighter note, i got into 311'07 :D
i dont really know alot of people there ( except those from my class) so i wonder whats going to happen next year.

Thursday, December 28, 2006





rock on!

taiwan earthquake):

the earthquake in taiwan killed my internet.
and everyone esle's as well.

noobie boobie.
fluffy pillow.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

boom baby!


its blacky-black. and yet. whitey-white.
nice nice.

its been raining buckets for the past week! making this week totally gloomy.
rain gives me this sodden feeling. like i've been soaked to the skin in the rain and feeling completely miserable even though im totally dry.

hmm poor people in indonesia and phillipines cant enjoy christmas because their houses have been destroyed by floods.

Just let it die
With no goodbyes
Details don´t matter
We both paid the price
Tears in my eyes
You know sometimes
It'd be like that baby
Now everytime I see you
I pretend I´m fine
When I wanna reach out to you
But I turn, and I walk and I let it ride
Baby I must confess
We were bigger than anything
Remember us at our best
Don´t forget about (us)

Late nights playing in the dark
And waking up inside my arms
boy, You´ll always be in my heart and
I can see in your eyes you still want it
So don´t forget about us
I´m just speaking from experience
Nothing can compare to your first true love
So I hope this will remind you
When it´s for real, it´s forever
So don´t forget about us

Oh They say
That you´re in a new relationship
But we both know
Nothing comes close to
What we had it perseveres
(That we both can’t forget it
How big we used to get it)
There´s only one me and you
And how we used to shine
No matter what you go through
We are one
that's a fact
That you can’t deny
So baby we just can´t let
The fire pass us by
Forever we both regret
So don't forget about us

mariah carey - dont forget about us

Monday, December 25, 2006

good tidings.


yep. its here. once again. the merriest season of the year!

you can almost hear the rousing cheers in each and every corner of the globe cant you?
christmas makes people happy :D

the year's ending :/
and as we all say goodbye to a fruitful (or not) year, we welcome in the clean slate that is the year of 2007.

and as with new things, i shall give everyone advanced notice that im changing blogskin again! whee. arent you excited?
okay fine you arent. but heh watch this space.

Friday, December 22, 2006


hey man. this is record-breaking.
its my 3RD post in a day!

i feel so HIGH [:
i feel like i just want to be really really nice to everyone
must be christmas coming?
or maybe im just high on chewing gum
or excited about starting school

anyway, days like this are UBER RARE!
so im posting in memory of this day.
come to think of it, i was HIGH yesterday too. (sort of, but couldnt really be high since sister flo was leaving. )

i love my life! :D
and all of you, you and you for being in it



i went blogskin hunting just now.

amassed a collection of blogskins, all ready and prepped for next year!

fickle me. (:

class gathering at jiayu's house tmr! see y'all there!
school's starting soon!
even though i dread waking up early everyday, im kind of psyched! i missed you all. cant wait to go back to sch and see everyone there!
i used to have a very pessimistic outlook on next year, but now i realise, hey, whats there to be pessimistic about! next year's going to be GREAT. [:

sec one registration [:

went to school for tablet pc demonstration for sec one registration.it was fun!

i arrived super early cos my mom had to go to work.

the actual demonstration itself wasnt the tiring part.
it was when we had to man the booth. all the parents swarmed around, asking questions asking for application forms.
had a nice lunch, although everyone was reluctant to eat it at first.
nice chicken wings. horrible fried mushrooms.
rachel and yi an were eating lunch with us. (:
mdm yip made a really lame joke about us eating tablet pcs because our packet lunches has 'TABLET PC' written on it :X
after that, sat at the infomation booth and talked with evelyn , si ian , cherng yew , emelia and craigven. then we went home. emelia had to walk to central so she left halfway. she's nice! she always asks me to take care. :D

the councillors got to eat turkey!hmm wonder what turkey tastes like. sounds yummy. :D

Thursday, December 21, 2006


sister florence left for canada this morning.

it was quite sad.
because well, imagine having someone taking care of you for the past 8 years and then one day they have to leave for another faraway country and you know thats the last you'll probably ever see of that person.

but there's nothing i could do about it.
i know she'll probably be happier there, she can get married and find a good job (as a chef,perhaps?) rather than staying with us and spending the rest of her life in singapore.
and it also made me think of myself.

in roughly 4 years time, that could be me?
i will have to leave everything i've known behind and venture out into the world.
by myself.
it made me wonder how things would be like 4 years from now, how things would change.
but i guess its part of growing up?
leaving behind your carefree childhood, saying goodbye to people who were there for one chapter of your life but wont be there to be with you as you transit into the next chapter of your life : adulthood.

anyway, i wish her all the best in everything she does. and i hope she emails often.
i hope everything goes well for her.

parting is such sweet sorrow.

Monday, December 18, 2006


on some sort of a reading frenzy.

i just finished reading eragon and 1/8 or so into eldest. after that shall proceed on to reading amulet of samarkand (recommended previously by ashleigh choo & tomson tee )

all of the above are really good books and if you're looking to buy christmas presents for a fellow reading enthusiast i would suggest those.

and now if you will excuse me my dear, i have some books that require my urgent attention.

ciao (:

Friday, December 15, 2006

double post

oh and tian wai fei xian is so cute! :D
randomness. but really, xiao qi and dong yong are so cute.
haha and i particularly like the show 'cause xiao qi1 sounds like xiao qi2 ( which is what my mom used to call me )
same reason why i used to watch the AMANDA show all the time when i was young.

i love my name.

loong post. ( or maybe not )

i went blogsurfing.
and was so amazed at some people who blog like 500+ words with every post.
and they talk about more than what goes on with their life.
it was a *AHA!* moment for me when i realised " hmm i should blog more."
and yeah, since i have so many opinions on so much random crap.
WAHAHA you're stuck here reading my seemingly uninteresting but really it gets very informative at the end crap. (:

plans to watch eragon tonight.
have i mentioned how i love fantasy stuff!
harry potter, lord of the rings, and whatnot. mm, orlando bloom. yummy.

oh and i think we all should really be grateful for everything we have, because you never know when you're going to lose something that meant so much more to you than you could have ever imagined.
and you're going to be filled with regret because you never treasured that person as you should have. as they say " you never know what you've got until its gone ".
like my grandfather, i never really thought he was very important in my life because we seldom visit him and everything?
but now that he's got senile dementia and he's bedridden, i realise how important he is in my life? and that if i ever lost him i would be crushed.
SEE. my theory is really cheesy but its tested and proven!

is it too early for new year resolutions? haha this list is still under review. changes to be made to it sooner or later.

MY LIST FOR 2007 (:

1. get all A1s for all my subjects. ( ohmygawsh. Amaths and HigherChinese. DANG. )
2. survive ATC2007 ( im scared of HEIGHTS! TT.TT )
3. make lots of friends , and love my new class (:
4. volunteer myself for many many overseas school trips ( yay caitlyn! )
5. be a good listening ear for all my friends ( have i accomplished that already? :X ) ( but yep, you can always talk to me! :)
6. must, STUDY. must. not. slack.
7. get a good post as nhnp nco :D
8. improve my maths and sciences. :S
9. be a better christian and be more devoted to Him
10. accomplish everything on my list.

not in the order of importance.

wow. i have high expectations!
oh well.
work hard (:

Thursday, December 14, 2006


i dunno.
heh went to great world city today.
there was a sale on those TY beanie soft toys.
esp the big big huggable kinds.
lol im such a kid.


[ EDIT ]
oh yeah and i've decided the links part is abit empty.
if you want me to link you rmb to tag!

Monday, December 11, 2006


ah its all gloomy and rainy outside right now.
i know you want to brighten up my day.oh yes you do. ^^

Sunday, December 10, 2006

bah. no luck

i searched high and low for a blogskin.
to no avail.
i guess thats what you get for good taste.
its hard to beat the standard.

its funny, the feeling you get,
when you're all alone in your room.
and its almost midnight.
and everyone else is asleep.
and it rained in the afternoon.
like some unusual calm.

you're moving through the crowd ;
trying to find yourself ;
feeling like a guitar thats never played
will someone strum away?

and you ask yourself ;
who do i wanna be?
do i wanna throw away the key ;
and invent a whole new me?

no one but me.

aly&aj - no one


its amazing,really.
i spent more than 2 hours doing nothing.

had this really weird dream last night.
i dreamt that we were in school, and we were in the middle of a war.
so everyone had to hide in bomb shelters and stuff.
and suddenly, the evil dictator decreed that i have to cut off my fringe.
so i did.
and i looked in the mirror!
i woke up. :D
i remember alot of people were in my dream.
i just cant remember who.
oh well.
me and my abnormal subconcious mind.

arent there days when you just wish someone could hug you? :/

i need a hug. (:

Saturday, December 09, 2006


i seriously need to find something better to do, other than sitting on my ass all day.


looks like its blogskin hunting time! :D

i bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow ;
and watched the stars crash in the sea ;
if i could ask God just one question ;
why arent you here with me?

someday we'll know - new radicals

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


its been awhile since i did the last quiz. and im sure all of you would like to find out more about the mystery that is me right? yep. i know. :D

from cheryl's blog. most of my quizzes are from her blog which are mostly from her friend jiawen's blog.

[ ] you own a jersey
[ ] you like being sweaty
[ ] you love mud
[x] you play more than 1 sport for fun
[ ] you hate pink
[x] you love hoodies and jeans
[x] pranks are fun
[ ] dogs are better than cats
[ ] its funny when people get hurt
Total = 3

[ ] shopping is torture
[ ] pulling heads off dolls isnt creepy.. its fun
[ ] you dont cry
[ ] sad movies suck
[ ] girl drama is stupid
[ ] painting your nails isweird/stupid.......
[ ] you own a ps2
[ ] you own an xbox
[ ] you own a gamecube
[x] at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter i gave up because i was scared of jumping down the pole :X
[x] you own a psp well,sort of. its my uncle's.
Total = 3

[x] you used to be obsessed with power rangers LOL yeah! the doctor persuaded me to take an injection by telling me it was power ranger water.
[ ] you watch sports center
[x] sports on tv are awesome depends, i like watching figure skating and world cup and sprinting and swimming. :D
[ ] gory movies are the best
[ ] you arent scared of anything
[ ] you take part in "male bonding"
[ ] you only go to your dad for advice
[ ] you own like a trillion baseball caps
[ ] you aren't sensitive
[x] no pain no gain
Total = 2

[x] you like going to basketball games
[x] night games rock! NIGHTWALK!
[ ] spiders and bugs are cool
[x] you like to freak out your sister or brother YEAH!MUAHAHAHA!
[ ] you used to or do collect baseball cards
[ ] saggy pants are cool
[ ] you get sports illustrated/other sports magazine
[ ] fire is cool nono fire. fire/boiling water = SCARY :S
[x] you don't babysit
[ ] you're immature
Total = 4

[ ] its kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[ ] green black red or blue are your favorite color(s)
[ ] romantic comedies are boring
[x] you dont care about watching your weight
[x] you hate dressing up mafan :/
[x] you dont care about your hair dont have to :D
[x] you love to go crazy and not care what people think
[ ] you're the one who asks a guy/girl out not the other way around im lazy :D
[ ] climbing is fun nono heights.
[x] contact sports like football are fun.
Total: 5

grand total : 17( 34% guy )

aww man. so little only? i thought i was very guyish.
i like shooting games you know! im VIOLENT (:
yay for time crisis! and jurassic park! :D

bah. promo test is so screwed!
i think im going to fail T.T

Monday, December 04, 2006


really bored today.
there's seriously nothing to do!
ah at least during camp, there was always something to do
and i dont understand how the mosquitoes managed to bite me
i was wearing slacks!
itchyyyy :(
have tuition @ 5

flames to dust ;
lovers to friends ;
why do all good things come to an end ?

nelly furtado - all the good things

Sunday, December 03, 2006

annual camp 2006


back from camp.
tired. aching all over.
but satisfied

basically the stuff we did is the same as last year
except that this year
they made us take care of a little red bean and a small white speck.
whoever loses one or both
everyone down 20
gosh. -.-

the second day pt was really fun though

night walk was kinda funny because kai le slammed face-first into the wall
and broke his specs.
and our group won best flag!

all hail the pa chiu dua dua rain god! :D

and i won best female camper x) yay me! :D

so anyway, despite all the scoldings and stuff, annual camp is FUN
and gosh. i cant believe that next year, it will be our turn to run the camp.
o0 scary!