
Sunday, May 14, 2006

mothers day

happy mothers day one and all! =D and its my 100th post ! wow. this blog has come a long way since i started it towards the end of last year when my previous blog evanziera.blogspot.com had some problem with pop-ups.
my sister sure is a smartass. she singlehandedly managed to piss my mom off three times in the same day. the most i could go for is once per day.luckily my mother has a strong heart and a strong throat.its a sunday and its mothers day. gave my mom her present. given my standards its kinda nice already since normally i always forget and rush a card instead. this year i gave a card and a present. how nice.its those bottled star things. haha. kind of childish i admit but heck my mom likes it.
i remember this morning my mother and i were talking and then suddenly she said something very profound." if someone truly wants to leave there's no way of stopping them.even if they remain by your side, their heart will never be with you." i was totally wowed over by that phrase. normally my mother isnt what you will call a philosophical person she justs engages in idle talk about some random stuff with my sister. wow. my mother. its cool. haha. one of those rare moments i guess.
its good to be back on my lappy after so long. stopped using it for a while because the wireless i was ' using ' got locked. then i managed to find another one now. i swear sooner or later all the unlocked wireless networks in my area are going to get locked because of me. wireless 'koper'! hopefully that doesnt happen before my mother can sign up wireless for me. ^^
thats about it i guess. dont really have anything more to add on. basically im just ranting nonsensically because no one's talking to me on msn.oh and i read negima 10 and 11.alot of intricate drawings and crap because of the mahora festival and stuff. real cool.


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