
Thursday, October 26, 2006

lastdayofschool :/

the last day of school :/

its the last official day of school. :/

all in all, im really grateful for this year, and this experience i've had. reading some of my posts from last year, i realise i've really grown alot.it's been a hell of a fun ride with 209. :D

i've said my thanks in one of my previous posts. but for your sake i shall copypaste them here and add more people to the list.

<3 cheryl : haha hey. you always take my mind off troubles and such with all your crazy antics. and somehow my behaviour is super amusing to you. everytime i yawn or sneeze, you laugh. and try to stuff things up my nose!im really glad we're best friends and its so cool how we manage to turn every topic into something funny or into some stupid theory which we mostly impose on the poor people around us.<3333333333333333333333333333you. :D thanks for always being there to make me laugh.

<3 jamie : what else can i say? she's a total retard! haha but i love you all the same! locking you in the fire hosereel is funfunfun. x] and flicking lightsticks at your nose. and laughing at you. making fun of cheryl with you is uber fun too. :D <333333333333333333333333you too. we dont even need to have an occasion to talk. give us something random like onions or glue and we could probably talk for hours. and start flinging stuff at each other. thanks for being there for me. x)

<3 caitlyn : aww you're so nice! i spent half of yesterday with you. you ROCK. ben&jerry's! abit sad i wasnt close to you before but oh well live for the present! we always talk in the mornings when everyone's still groggy. i like your weird dreams about the gypsy woman in shadow of the beast. x] thanks for being there for me when i needed someone. thanks for comforting me. thanks for being such a reassuring prescence. :D love you <3

<3 rachel : thanks for comforting me! you're so sweet [: you're like the big sister i never had. haha love you loads! :D i wish i could have gotten to know you better beforehand too. i know you have alot on your shoulders sometimes but take it easy k? and jiayou for next year. <3 you!:D

<3 emelia : hey girl! you're really cute. always make me laugh.HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D and enjoy being 14! you're always nice to be around. JIAYOU for next year. :D

<3 ziting : heheh all the roomies! me you and jiayu [: sleepy people. always so calm and collected. and help me snatch back my pillow from timothaye. so kind! :D love you.

<3 jiayu : wahahaha. you are cute when you just wake up! will always treasure the time we 'bonded' together! my classmate for 4 years! x] love you!

<3 lynette : haha my foodie partner! BREAKFAST KING. CHEESITO POCKET. and i still owe you nachos. :D so fun.

<3 waner : so cute! haha pokeyou. pokepokepokepoke. love ya. :D

<3 tomson tee : thanks for all the randomizing and stuff? my year would probably have been alot less entertaining without you. ^^

<3 craigven sim : haha the nice korkor. i had alot of fun during chalet and everything. thanks for all the good times :D

<3 damien lim : YOU HAIRPULLING RETARD! haha but its ok. had loadsa fun during pbl listening to songs and all that. :D

<3 ashleigh choo : haha we have alot of things in common and we think similarly for quite a few things. :D thanks for being alot of fun and fluff. :D

<3 anlin winarto jianlong : you're nice! you always give me advice on results and stuff. thanks for being there and thanks for your advice :D

<3 liangjie : haha although i dont really talk to you alot, i really had alot of fun making fun of you :X thanks for being caring :D

<3 tiah cherng yew : thanks for being there for me, and making me laugh when i needed to. its always so fun to laugh at your retardedness :X as well as making fun of you and your many "nu ren" x) you're my one of my closest friends and im really grateful for it! :D

and as well as to those i may not have mentioned, you're all really close to my heart . it really makes a difference to me because i live so far away from school. its you guys that keep me going and looking forward to school. even though next year we may not be in the same class, im really going to miss you all and all the fun times we had.

i really love you all! :D
we must have another 209 chalet next year!:D


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