
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

teachers day

haha.we all preparing for the teachers day performance. haha then jiayu was very the stressed cos the boys dun want to participate in our performance so she cried. o.0

yeahh.and so tomorrow is the thingy and charlene is very excited about it. Quote " I am getting butterflies in our stomach."


we gonna spray paint our hair. and blah blah blah.

too tired.

SIIANNN.. no not si ian.. siann..

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


whee.common test is finally over.harhar.went with tomson they all to watch 'seven swords'.. quite nice the movie la.. haha. very sian now.during the exams had to study and it occupied alot of my time.now,the exams are over and i am left with practically nothing to do and can only await my fate.. haix..

Friday, August 19, 2005

common test [part 2]

haha.Today was lit. common test.Ok la..but I did not have four points on why the humans were gullible, so I ended up putting the four different groups of people that believed the words on charlotte's web.bullshit actually.then i ended up finishing one minute before the exam ended because i was stumped on that gullible question and was trying to crap as much for the last question as i could.had the paper been longer..i would have died.o.0 i think i am going to fail lit.

turned out pretty ok considering the fact that i was not really studying last night and OMG i missed out the point when zuckerman believed that wilbur had a heat stroke when he did not..
argh.that was an important point..nooo..then for the gullible thing..the i put zuckerman,minister.the visitors and the news reporters all believed wilbur was a special pig when there wasnt anything very special about wilbur..crap right?

haix.geog common test oso sucked.i think i got one of the MCQ questions wrong.lolx.why am i so competitive all of a sudden? oh yeah. tomorrow is math.must study.

gtg people.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

common test o.0

its common test week..we finished our history paper today and it was ok i guess.i forgot to write the 'kautilya wrote arthashastra the worlds first textbook on politics' cos i wasnt sure if that was considered a contribution to the mauryan empire.even though he wrote the textbook..the people of the mauryan times won't really go and read about it right?

but oh well.oh yeah.the superstar dude Junyang came to our school today.tonight is the finals or something and all the finalists are supposed to visit their secondary schools.lolx. so it turns out that a semi-famous person is from our school.when he first arrived, there was alot of commotion and screaming and stuff..then everyone crowded around outside our classrooms and started shouting and stuff..i thought someone was trying to commit suicide or someone died or something..then it was that superstar guy and i was like -.-"

long time no post..kinda sad .. haha.. I saw all the taggies though [ haha i dint forget u all ]

some.. slightly weird.. tags by some people i dun even know..nvm..char flooded them off the page so its ok.. haha..oh yeah..yuqian is ill..she taking half day leave tomorrow too..


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

nDp 2o05

harlo people.yupyup.its national day again.the time where everyone takes the holiday as an excuse to go out with their friends and chill before the exams.the calm before the storm.

harhar.very cheerful today for some reason.carnival coming up soon.hope it will be fun.haha.most likely fun 'cos we get to buy food and stuff.

*AHEM* 109 -ers can comment on this if they want to...

I want to address this thingy that has been going on with our class.

Yeahh..basically our class is kind of divided right now. at first it was not so obvious but after certain conflicts within the different groups during the ndp cheer thing [ refer to jamie's blog for details ] it became oh so obvious to everyone that our class is very much divided.

It was not so at the start of the year where we all worked together and could share our ideas equally.Now it seems that .. well.. it is not so anymore.

ok.but 1o9 is still a class.no matter what,we are classmates and are going to be together for the next 1 and a quarter year [and maybe beyond that] . when i watched the cheer finals and saw the other classes could get their whole class to perform whereas we could not, it was saddening.
however, i am not going to try and rally the class together because i have totally no power to do so.i just want to express my views and yeah.if y'all feel offended or anything, sorrie =)

this national day was pretty boring.nothing much to do except study or play maple =))


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

national day 2005

harlo people. national day.. actually .. national day has not much of an effect on me.It doesn't make me feel strangely patriotic or anything.I'm just like " national day arh? " Not that I don't like Singapore or anything, but I just don't really care about national day.

Erm, yeah. So we had special assembly for national day.All the cheer finalist classes had to perform for us.All of them were very enthusiastic about their cheer.You can tell they all really put in alot of hardwork into it.Sadly, Singapore does not have alot of history or anything to work on.. So alot of them ended up doing the same songs and stuff.

Feeling tired now.Killed off $2 from my EZ-link just for accompanying my friends to where they wanted to go.

sleepy -.-

Saturday, August 06, 2005


I read volume 6 of Negima today.Not bad.I like the fighting scenes with a lot people showing their powers and magic.I don't really like the love-y stuff or the porno/retarded stuff. [ bookshop and kotaro are a cute couple though.]

yeah. Finished math homework and decided to slack this weekend away.Even though common test is coming.. There's almost three days of holiday to study.I shall play computer games a little even though I'm not allowed.Harhar.

Just kind of bored now.Nobody to talk to or anything..


Friday, August 05, 2005


It seems as if I had a lot of things to say on Tuesday and now that I have exhausted my quotient..I did not really have anything to say today.

Even to Charlene, who is the most talkative person I know.

Haha.But surprisingly once I got home, I talked with Charlene for about 40 minutes and then 10 more minutes just now.. Wow, we have so much in common..Hahah.

Next week is slackish.National Day and a whole bunch of holidays, too bad I am sort of 'grounded' so I have to stay home and study instead of sneaking out after school like I used to.

Decided to be more cheerful in my posts and put smilie faces and stuffs more often.haha.Luckily my blog is not high profile or anything so I don't really have to watch what I say.Some people are really entertaining bloggers but unfortunately I am not one of them. =D


Wednesday, August 03, 2005


haha I just realised that my blog the words very difficult to read.But nevermind..Nobody comes to this blog anyway.It seems that Wednesday is a very unlucky day for 1o9. Ever since the timetable changed, something bad happens.

Today was not a good day.Tempers flared.Conflicts arose.Weird behaviours showed.

Only time will tell.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


haha.Went for the dumb maths and science trail thingy,supposed to last about 90 minutes but there were only four stations and we sort of ran around everywhere .. then we sat down at some cafe and started copying..

Initially,I was supposed to be doing the work.In the end , I volunteered to count our strength at every stop.Then I sort of slacked at everything.Haha.So 'shuang' .. Its nice to be a slacker once in a while.

[Group 1 - Me, Ashleigh,LiangJie,Eric,Timo,Weijie]

Haha.Then we went to the souvenir shop to buy keychains.Haha.Gtg..Doing math homework..
Oops =D

Monday, August 01, 2005


Started a new blog because something screwed up my previous one.

ORD IS OVER.wahaha.Finally.

However, the truth settles in slowly.After the sec fours are gone, we have to gear up to let our DEAR sec threes take over.

During phototaking , I was standing behind all the sec twos and I saw that only some of them have their lance ranks..Its like, I WANT to get the lance rank by this year but I doubt that I can make it.If attendance is counted..I'm screwed =(

ARGH.Why am i obsessing over ranks and all that when I am NOT the type that obsesses over NP? I dint even polish my boots and all. XP.

Anyway..Woots for the sec fours.Haha.Girls in NP are more "zai" than the boys.. The two SIs are girls and Emily is more pro than Sgt.Jiahao. HaHa.I shall work hard not to 'pon' so much and be more 'enthu' (in yanting's sense) abt NP.Wish me luck .