
Sunday, October 30, 2005


hmms.just went with my mother to the library.borrowed some books.

my mother said that she would allow me to go to the library and study by myself.YAY.FREEDOM.

probably will have to bring a jacket though.the library is COLD.

oh yes and i wont be able to access my blog in china so i will have to create a Livejournal account or something so that i can blog.haha.shall start looking for one.hopefully one that supports a tagboard so that u all can tag and all.

my mom said that she might bring us to new zealand at the end of next year.YAY.finally. somewhere NOT china.and i told her that it was no more china for me.my mom sounded semi-convinced.but who knows.maybe things will change so drastically that i will actually look forward to going to china e.g. losing friends? i hope that will never happen.not that i am trying to be pessimistic. just skeptical.in a good sense.who knows what will happen.the future is unpredictable.

yeah.so that was my day.well ok.half a day.changed my style of blogging too.stopped using commas.just words and fullstops.haha.

decided to work harder next year too.well who doesnt say they will work harder next time.hopefully i actually mean it and wont slack.



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