
Wednesday, March 29, 2006


hey people
we received news that the king of cambodia is gonna come to our school tomorrow o_o
retarded la. we have to pretend to be all 'well-behaved' and stuff. b lim was like the king is coming i think its damn funny cos it sounds so retarded. like some kind of fairy tale thing.
and we are going to make perfume ('aroma chemistry') for life sciences tomorrow.cool.

nothing much today. quite sian. blehhs. went home after chem test. yup.think i screwed up the test anyway. oh well. hahaha.
sorry havent been posting these few days. been kinda swamped with homework and all that.lit maths history and all that.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


haha hi people. havent posted in .. 1 week plus?
im busy. haha. yesterday hmms. oh yeah. timetable changed. yeah. then we found out that we had mr liu lesson everyday now. ahh~ no more mondays to say "aiya no mr liu lesson on monday still got time." no. now we gotta do homework like little guai kias over the weekend like everyone else.do i hear u say aww? and theres pe on thursday. means school tie and pe shirt. double aww.

ndp dance. hmms. we got kicked out of the flag thing cos our reaction was too slow. honestly if u ask me. we shouldnt be tested on how fast we sit or stand? he should have given us a dance to try out? but oh well. everyone was kinda disappointed that we did not get in.well. with the exception of those who did not want to get in the first place. hahs. during break we went to ask for another chance? we didnt succeed. haha. but nvm. then later the cute instructor, whose name is peter i think. he said our costumes were going to be a jersey with a hood. and everyone cheers up instantly. means no suspenders for guys? no itchy sequin thing for girls. yay. but it may not be confirmed oso. and maybe theres a different costume for syf and ndp.
but hey, i think we are lucky to even be in ndp. there are loads of other people who arent doing it. and our school is. so its cool.

then today. had tuition at nine? then stuffed myself with sweets! ribena pastilles and sour power!yaye! <33 ribena pastilles!
watched tv too. the wade robson project. dance competition. started getting enthu about dance. haha.i like contemporary dance.^^

oh ya i have a history worksheet to do.
oh wells.gtg. buhbye

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

my day at home 2

haha. forgot to bring my wallet to school today. so i couldnt go with them to This Fashion as planned. anyway, would waste alot of other people's money too because they were going to kbox and all that. so if they 'sponsored' me to go je and then standard ticket and all that. they would waste alot of their money la.
so in the end they went without me. :( haha oh wells. there will be other times.

so i went home. so cool. seems as if i have alot of free time.watched tv,reality tv and stuff .hahaha. realized the people on reality tv are funny. all dramatic and stuff, as if the show meant so much to them? hmm if next time i join a reality show i shall see but right now i think its dumb.

tied my hair for school for the first time yesterday. (haha yes i can hear all my primary school friends gasping. lol. ) yeah i have and gotten some comments.haha. overall they say its 'cute'.haha
my mom and my sis liked it too. my mom was like 'its neater and better' she let me leave my hair long until im frustrated with tying my hair.lol.wonder when tt will be?

Monday, March 20, 2006


hey its 11.32
never been online so late before! hahaha..so exciting! -.- not actually. im just being dumb.
today was ok i guess.
had np parade.learnt new drill .. how to turn on point while marching. it was funny la. we were down there goofing off.but we got learn the drill oso la. -.-
then we had pep talk on our attitude and stuff..
thats about it le..
nothing to say..hahaha.feeling stupid today.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

the perfect lover

My Perfect Lover

Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again

cheryl and ziting tagged me (:

Hmms.eight only ah. not enough =X i have high expectations. xD

1. thoughtful/observant - like he doesnt need me to spell everything out for him? doesnt have to buy me diamonds or wadeva, u know, simple things that are thoughtful can le.

2. loving ?? - must love me for who i am. (: not an easy thing to do.hahaha.

3. unselfish - must think of others, not necessarily me, must be kind and compassionate la. cannot always think of himself.

4.must know when to comfort me and when to leave me alone? when to make me laugh and when to let me cry..

5.individuality - must stand up for what he believes in. cannot like, hide behind his group of friends and all that.doesnt pretend to be something that he isnt.

6.umms. fun to talk to? like can talk with for hours and hours and wouldnt tire? can tell him anything de.

7.sweet but not overly mushy. ((:

8.unegoistical and not chauvinistic. must respect equal rights for me. im not a housewife. lets me win. ahaha.

see? where got such people de. haix~ im a hopeless case le. oh wells.

i tagged :

cheryl (she asked me to tag her back.HAHA.)

Saturday, March 18, 2006


due to overwhelming response, (cheryl haha) i shall now post about the ooglies.
the ooglies all started with the uber thingy. me and jamie were talking one day and suddenly she said something was uber cute or something like that.then i went crazy over the word uber and suddenly it became me and jamie's word.lols.we started putting the word uber everywhere.
then we were also talking about oogling at boys and etc.etc. then GOOGLY BEAR . then came all the rhyming words oogly, FROOGLY , snoogly , noogly , so on. later cheryl the powerful joined in as snoogly. we were also RETARDED and SUPERRUBBER!
and then there was woogly. the self appointed and self named oogly.haha. what do i say? she can be president after jamie.x) hmmms...

went northpoint just now. surprising my mom knew how to drive there after not going there for like 20 years.nothing much bah. bought a pair of black pants at esprit.haha.ate express teppanyaki.


my blog was down yesterday for some reason.
it became forbidden.
haha.i thought the situation would be permanent so i created a new blog.i shall keep the new blog for future use in case i need it. havent posted in a while..lets see
nothing much bah.went to je yesterday.shopped in This Fashion with yuqian and gee.then gee had to go off for her crosscountry competition so then me and qian walked around jec aimlessly.
Ate a prima deli peanutbutter waffle! damn nice. then we decided to go my house. we played monopoly, ate lunch, swam and played pepsi cola.hahaha.quite fun.

funds that u MAY want to donate to.

amanda psp fund
amanda cds fund
amanda prima deli peanutbutter waffles fund
amanda YAMI yoghurt fund
amanda nokia 7370 fund

haha.as you can see. im a girl with many wants and needs.xD

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


im sorry.

dunno wad else to say.
BIGmistake. im sorry.
dun ask.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

marina square :)

yay. people like my blogskin. hees. :))

ok so today we (my mother , my sister , me) went to marina square to shop and all that.BEWARE.IF YOU DONT LIKE BORING STORIES ABOUT PEOPLE GOING SHOPPING,NAVIGATE AWAY NOW. the minitoons there is big. and we bought the big toy dog for my cousin who is having two operations tomorrow. that doggy was cute la. was hugging it all the way. the plastic bag got crumpled. shall persuade my mother to buy for me next time.x)))
then we when to wallet shop and bought pencil cases.myuk. black colour.yaye.hahaha.its cute.
then we shopped around other places and walked to millenia walk to eat bento.

INTERESTING PART. OK NOT REALLY. then got this family of people walking happily in the corridor.my mom and me were looking at them..then before we knew it, the little kid is bawling his eyes out as if the sky were falling. i went to get extra chopsticks and saw that his hand was stuck in the gap of the glass door. singaporeans are helpful. :) everyone saw the kid crying and started trying to help and stuff. the guy at our cafe (the only worker there apparently ) also went to help.. then the adults were like dumbfounded. APPARENTLY when people see a kid bawling like he is on the verge of death, they start to get all panicky and stuff and try to get the kid to shuddup before they pry his hand out..which is dumb.because once u get his hand out, EVENTUALLY he will stop crying right? then his mother was like "do you all have some water or something to slide his hand out ? " the guy from our bento stall went to check and he did not have so he went to guardian to buy soap. then i remembered that my mom has those achohol things you use to wash your hands (she's been using it since SARS) kinda slippery so i asked her to take it out and gave it to them. so the boy was saved before the bento stall guy came back.

poor guy.thinking it was his moment to shine and all that.then coming back to see the situation resolved. and no one thanked him. he even thanked us! then i felt really bad cos its like go and snatch his moment of glory and felt bad all through lunch.my mom did not help.she kept trying to figure out how the boy's hand got stuck and all that in a voice that could be heard by bento guy cos we were the only customers there. so when we went off, i tried to be as nice as possible and said 'bye and thanks' nicely, whereas normally i would just be like 'bye.'

thus the moral of this story is dont steal people's moment of glory.

then we went suntec to eat YAMI YOGHURT. and then we went home. mom slept and me and nat went for a run.
thus ends my very longwinded post.and longwinded uninteresting day.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


heys. yesterday was cool! i liked it.. xD

We had this IPP thing.So we only had like 4 lessons the whole day. mother tongue first 2 periods. argh. my teacher is totally slack about it. she always nags at us then forgets like 5 mins later. so very little work gets done.compared to liulingfeng's class.they always have homework like zuowen or something. makes me feel guilty everytime i see them doing homework. and me, just staring into space.. gloating over their misery.. im evil x) but i hardly have any homework.just a yue du bao gao.which i doubt i will be doing anyways.naughty me.
then it was history.for some reason, mrs raja was cranky. then she asked us to do some 'budding entrepreneurs' (is that how you spell it?) thing. me and jamie and rachel. <3~
we didnt do much but make fun of mrs raja and talk about crap.and jamie tattooed my hand! hilarious people! they were like ' no if i whack your head you will become dumber but i am the opposite of you so i shall be smarter' *whack* jamie and rachel are KIND PPL.

the it was the IPP. charlene got a little freaked out by the sealing thingys. and she had to sit down and all that.freaky.she looked like she was going to cry. aww. lols.
then after school we had NDP practice.WOOTS! haha. at first, everyone was like.. wth that guy is damn gay and the dance is lame -.-
but after a while, everyone got enthusiastic. (well, except some of the boys. but i saw them dancing, and they are quite enthu about it they only pretend not to be for the sake of protecting their 'sacred' male macho-ism and ego.xD) nothing wrong with being enthu about the dance ^^

our class and 211 and 212 got selected for some flag thingy where we get to wear different costumes than everyone else and stuff.we will be standing infront of the VIPs.stress! i always mix up the dance steps as in.. start with the wrong foot and stuff.we have to wear some cheerleading thing o_o (aimee.i can hear you laughing your head off.) its cool though.but we have to perform with the rest of the dance society.so i guess i actually have to practice at home.

cool.this was one long post! with paragraphing too. haha. oops.i forgot to hand up my english compo. OOPS. =X

oh wells.nvm.

ciao! tuition later~ =)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

my day at home

went home early today. reached home at like 3 something.totally amazing on the count of the fact that my house is so far away from my school.
so then
i spent the whole day talking on msn and blogging
hah. pretty uneventful
but enjoyable anyways.
then i went to bathe and drink coke lime.
im going to die of diabetes.
but what the heck.who cares?
it was cool.i guess sometimes you just need time to do stuff by yourself and relax.
oh crap.
i thought of alot of stuff to blog about. but somehow.
i forgot it all.
oh wells!
shall try to think of it next time.
shall try to go home early more often next time!
thus ends my fun day at home!
i am retarded.

totally random and unrelated comment : ever notice that the winners of AI always approved by simon cowell if not they cannot win? ( top few la.got some winners i dont agree with the rest of america but hey its their idol not mine.)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


ok.today we had our first practice for NDP.
we were taught by this guy called peter or smth like that.
at first we were all like
then later he demostrated the dance and we become like o_o so shuai..
and all tt..
then after the practice we went to west mall to walk around.
nothing much to do.
there werent any good timeslots for movies after school.
went psycho in the macs.