sppech day eve
gawsh. tmr is speech day schools going to let out at 12. then its like. everyone wants to go home! gahhs. i will be bored.
save me. haha. nvm i shall go find my mommy.
gawsh. tmr is speech day schools going to let out at 12. then its like. everyone wants to go home! gahhs. i will be bored.
hello everyone. im bored. its sunday afternoon. everyone's either off at church / out with their family/ WCing / basically NOT talking to me online. hehs. ^^ im bored.
hey yas. went to orchard today. mom and sis went to buy new handphone *sniff* i want! then i went by myself to walk around and stuff. bought famous amos and vampire knight comic. then decided to go to the library near my home. sat there for the whole afternoon and then bought a peach smoothie from gallileo then walked home from there. dunno whats the actual distance but it took me like one hour to reach home. haha.
hellos everyone. today 209 and 212 and 211 had duty as judges for the National Maths Warrior competition thingy. bukit timah primary got one girl. maggie seah. she is friendly and assertive. she is nice. haha then got one guy chao attitude from lakeside de. order the judges around like he very dua or something.
haha. we had ndp today. nothing much actually. just alot of running around , standing under the hot sun and all that. charlene got 'taken advantaged' of? but she didnt go down without a fight. oh no she didnt. she would seriously undermine ur gender before she would let you get away with it. =X
well lets see. im bored. yeah that about sums it all up. its good friday today. and its a public holiday. everyone went out so theres hardly anyone online and nothing to do at home. what does one do when they are bored and have nothing to do? change their blog layout! haha that kept me occupied for at least half an hour or so. i reckon im turning into some kind of pig. i slept for twelve hours consecutively. never really done that before. maybe i will just continue sleeping in later and later until i will just sleep for entire days and not even have to eat.
hey guys
hey everyone! its officially the second hour and ninth minute of the ninth day of the four month of the two thousand and sixth year anon domini. ( its 2.o9 am on the 9th of april 2oo6 ) haha.
hahaha.we had ndp today. wasnt really that hyper about it because the weather was hot and i slept late last night.was tired.
hahaha. well went for the road safety park as marshals today. left class at 12.30. we thought it would be really sian but when the thing actually started it was quite fast.did not have much time to think. you will be swarmed with little p5 girls and they will start shooting you with questions while asking you to sign for them. we did raffles girls primary. haha.
Tomorrow our squad is going for traffic marshal duty. have to wear full u. so cool. we get to leave school early somemore wor!
yups. today we had school lor. haha
hey everybody..