
Monday, April 10, 2006


hey guys
today we learnt the news that someone from our school has passed away. i shall not disclose his identity. not very nice. but well. its sad i suppose. i dun claim to know him very well but its the ripples ba. like you throw a stone into the water. some way or another it affects our lives. it shows we must treasure everyday because you never know what will happen tomorrow.ripples.yup.

then we had treasure hunt. ok la gd effort made by them to make it work ba. the games were kinda ok i guess. i shall be supportive of them. haha. i shant be evil. =D

yups our group didnt win it was retarded we kept singing 'one little two little three little indians'
hahaha. we tried to include the sec ones as much as possible. and my kicking-soccer-ball skills suck?

i think thats all for today. =DD
555060409002 =D


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