
Sunday, April 09, 2006

sudden urge

hey everyone! its officially the second hour and ninth minute of the ninth day of the four month of the two thousand and sixth year anon domini. ( its 2.o9 am on the 9th of april 2oo6 ) haha.
broke my record! never blogged so late before. i suddenly have this urge to go and watch powerpuff girls. i dunno why. perhaps it reminds me of simpler times, when all i thought about were puppy dogs and kitty cats and sugar spice everything nice. times when the world seemed to make more sense. go to school, do homework, get gd grades,repeat for the first 22 years of your life(pri sch,high sch,jc,university) then find a job,marry some idiot and live happily ever after.now i just think the world is weird. and life seems so much more complicated. now that i think back on this year so far.and probably the last year too.

makes me think about how alone we all actually are. no matter how many friends you have, who you love and all that. in the end, we enter this world alone,alone we will leave it. but then again, who knows. maybe there is a heaven out there. a green pasture where all your loved ones are in the same place. and you need never fear of being lonely anymore.

wo men yaoo bao chi wei xiao ~~ as pessimistic as this blog post may seem, just keep smiling? because you will only be happy if you let yourself be happy. if you are determined to stay happy, sadness would not plague you for long. maybe a bit late to say all this now. its april already. too late for a fresh start. too late for a new begginning.too late to unsay and undo things you wish you hadnt done. but hey, maybe they have or will make things in the future better for you. think about it. where would you be if you hadnt done or said those things? you may have become better friends or understood your loved one more.

last. they say "its better to have a life full of mistakes than one full of regret." think things carefully through. but not too carefully. once the opportunity flies away, it probably wont return. EVER. so its all about knowing when to take a chance and when to take it slow. problem is, no one really knows when or how. but oh wells. thats life isnt it. you win some you lose some.

ok thats the end of my long winded motivational (ok not so motivational ) speech. its just my general assessment of things. not aimed at anyone/anything/any incident. this was to myself ba. haha i dunno. im abit crazy. ok not abit.


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